Donate to the Scholarship

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

—Maya Angelou

  • Children and adolescents are growing up in an era when mental health concerns are continuously on the rise and access to care is quite frankly, inaccessible by many. Studies have shown that more than 20% of children are diagnosed with a mental health condition annually; and, 40% will have been diagnosed by the age of 18 (Pediatrics, 2022). Of these, fewer than 20% of those affected ultimately receive care (CDC, 2022). Researchers in adult medicine have further demonstrated that 95% of mental health referrals from primary care providers never mental healthcare providers. Mental health care should not be luxury.

    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) have long-term and lasting negative consequences, and while preventable, ACES are the single most significant contributor to the leading causes of death, including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stoke and suicide. Like many on the forefront of trauma research, I strongly believe we need a paradigm shift in how we approach anxiety, depression, substance abuse, suicide, concerns surrounding school performance, and chronic invisible illness —instead of focusing on what is wrong, we need to begin asking why? People make sense.

    Your gift will help an underserved local child or adolescent find their strength and begin to step into their full potential. To help support a very deserving human, please consider making a donation to Intersection Rising’s Scholarship Fund below.

  • According to Bessel van Der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps the Score, “Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives.”

    Scholarship recipients will receive just this. We begin by planting seeds of self worth, hope, and resourcing for areas of support. We will provide comprehensive services at a reduced rate based on financial need. All participants will be connected to and transitioned with a warm hand off to the appropriate outside services, whether that be therapy, a process group, psychiatrist, or neuropsychological testing. If helpful, recommendations and resources for immediate family members will also be provided. Each recipient will receive ongoing support and collaboration with the child’s new care team for 3 months to optimize and ensure the success of their care.

  • We accept and consider referrals from local patients at Sea View Pediatrics. Priority will be given to applicants with a history of ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), financial insecurity, somatic manifestations and illness, neurodiversity, histories of intergenerational trauma, and demonstrate a personal commitment to healing. Please have your child’s pediatric provider reach out directly for more information.

  • Please email for a list of resources.

Still Have Questions?

Reach out with your questions to see how Intersection Rising can meet you and your child where you are.